-No overage users. Users must be between 13 and 19 years old.
-No sexual talk in any of the chat rooms or forums.
-Only speak English (Unless you're in the Multi-Language room)
-Any advertisement of other sites/socials will not be tolerated.
-No not spam or harass other users
-Do not post a nude profile picture or photo of yourself. Doing so could result in a ban.
-Please keep talk of drugs/suicide to a minimum.
-All triggering content will be removed.
-If you need your username changed, contact an administrator.
-Normal font only. Some devices can't read/type with alternate fonts.
-If you were kicked from a chat for any reason, and you don't know why, or think you were wrongfully kicked, head to the forums tab, or contact an administrator.
-If there's a catfish, please supply full evidence and one of the staff will take action.
-Please accept that staff can not be online every second of the day. They have lives outside of the internet too.